NOTICE: Changes due to Covid-19. Please read before booking an appointment or visiting our office.
We have truly missed you and looking forward to serving you again.
We will initially be operating with all necessary precautions and protocols to protect patients and staff..
- If you or anyone you have been in contact with, have cold or flu-like symptoms, please reschedule your appointment for 14 days later.
- All bookings must be made by telephone ONLY. You will be asked few screening questions .
- We ask you to attend your treatment ALONE. Have family members wait for you outside/in the car, rather than in the reception area.
- Prior to your appointment time, Please remain OUTSIDE the clinic , until you are called in for your appointment by a member of our staff.
- Personal masks are needed for ALL patients. If you do not have a mask, CALL the clinic to discuss with your practitioner. We have a small supply of non- surgical masks (available for purchase, at cost) available for patients, but please try and bring your own
- We will check your temperature with a digital thermometer before entry
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the entry-way. Please disinfect your hands before going further .
- The patient treatment areas will closed off to access by anyone between visits. They will be disinfected between each patient visit. This includes ALL surfaces, door handles, chairs etc.
- We will do our best to ensure that patients will not be arriving and leaving at the same time. Appointments will be staggered and have longer times in-between to allow for cleaning. This means that bookings will be limited as there will be fewer appointment times available
- We will have a 2m distancing space, when waiting to pay for treatments
- Payments to be contact-less and receipts will be emailed to patients
- We have a large plexi-glass barrier in place to prevent any cross-contamination between reception staff and patients.
- All magazines have been removed from the reception area.
- Each patient will have their OWN set of electrode pads for the IFC machine. OUR cost is $10 per set and they will be made available to you at cost, or there are re usable electrodes which we will wash and sanitize after each visit.
- The patient washroom will be available for use, but ONLY with permission from staff. We need to monitor and disinfect before and after each use. Please do NOT use without our knowledge, for your own safety and the safety of others.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.